Friday, March 9, 2007

Mid-Morning Roundup - Hoops, Futbol and Milfs

UCLA get ousted by Cal. Say bye-bye to the #1 overall seed. (LA Times)

Champions League draw set for the quarter-finals. I'm liking Manchester United chances even without the Swed. (The Offsides)

Top 10 Sports Blog stories. There's no chance you will ever see anything from me here. Have you read my stuff? (Our Book of Scrap via Chicago Sports Review)

Thanks George Bush, Peyton Manning is all messed up with this new daylight savings thing. (The Onion)

This guy deserved the Nobel Prize. I need one of these at home and at the office. (AP)

How the hell did she get knocked up? I'm pretty sure we used protection. (NY Post)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol. Best invention ever, no?